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Palette CAD AG 
Behl­es­stra­ße 9-11
70329 Stutt­gart

Pho­ne +49 711 9595-0
Fax +49 711 9595-250


Trade Re­gis­ter Stutt­gart 785686
VAT ID No. DE 178416603
Tax no. 99077/00922

SE­PA Cre­di­tor Iden­ti­fier:

Exe­cu­ti­ve Board: Vol­ker Zel­ler (Chair­man), Dirk Böck­stie­gel, El­vis Grabic, Frank Kobs
Chair­man of the Su­per­vi­so­ry Board: Dr.-Ing. Wal­ter Zins­er

Stan­dard Terms and Con­di­ti­ons 
Ef­fec­ti­ve: 27 Ju­ly 2022, Palette CAD AG, Trade Re­gis­ter Stutt­gart 785686

1. Scope of the con­di­ti­ons
1.1 De­li­veries and ser­vices by Palette CAD AG (“Palette”) are pro­vi­ded sub­ject ex­clu­si­ve­ly to the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons. Thus, they ap­p­ly for all busi­ness tran­sac­tions even when they are not on­ce again ex­press­ly agreed. The­se terms and con­di­ti­ons are de­e­med to have be­en ac­cept­ed at the la­test upon de­li­very of the de­li­very item or ser­vice pro­vi­si­on. Palette ob­jects to the ap­pli­ca­ti­on of the busi­ness terms and/or purcha­sing con­di­ti­ons of the cus­to­mer.

1.2 All agree­ments ma­de bet­ween Palette and the cus­to­mer con­cer­ning the exe­cu­ti­on of the con­tract shall be laid down in wri­ting in the or­der con­fir­ma­ti­on.

1.3 Ch­an­ges to the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons shall be pro­po­sed to the cus­to­mer no la­ter than two months be­fore­hand. The cus­to­mer shall be de­e­med to have ac­cept­ed the­se ch­an­ges if they do not re­ject the ch­an­ges be­fo­re they ta­ke ef­fect. Palette shall make this ex­press­ly clear to the cus­to­mer in its pro­po­sal.

1.4 Nos. 11.12 to 11.15. in­clu­si­ve, 12, 13.4 and 13.5 of the terms and con­di­ti­ons are on­ly ap­pli­ca­ble wi­th re­spect to com­mer­cial en­ter­pri­ses, cor­po­ra­te bo­dies un­der pu­blic law or pu­blic sec­tor spe­cial funds.

2. Sub­s­tance of con­tract

2.1 Palette shall pro­vi­de for the cus­to­mer’s use the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware spe­ci­fied in the purcha­se or­der as ob­ject code in­clu­ding the user ma­nu­al wi­th the func­tions de­scri­bed in said ma­nu­al. The con­trac­tu­al soft­ware can con­sist of pro­grams and/or da­ta (ca­ta­lo­gues). Parts of the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware can be unusable if the cus­to­mer has not purcha­sed the­se parts. Fur­ther­mo­re, Palette can grant the cus­to­mer ac­cess to on­line ser­vices such as on­line pro­grams or on­line sto­rage space or apps in sui­ta­ble stores.

2.2 Palette can pro­vi­de the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware as ob­ject code on da­ta sto­rage me­dia or as a down­load, or, if this has be­en agreed, via on­line ac­cess.

2.3 Palette grants the cus­to­mer a simp­le and non-trans­fera­ble right of use for the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware in un­mo­di­fied form si­mul­ta­neous­ly on the agreed de­vices, and for on­line ac­cess a simp­le and non-trans­fera­ble right of use for the user in­ter­face of the soft­ware. (Sub)lea­sing or ren­ting is not per­mit­ted.

2.4 The cus­to­mer is aut­ho­ri­sed to use the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware so­le­ly wi­thin the scope spe­ci­fied by the con­tract, and (whe­re ap­pli­ca­ble) in con­junc­tion wi­th co­py pro­tec­tion. If the cus­to­mer uses the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware to a grea­ter ext­ent than agreed, they shall pay Palette a li­cence fee in­creased by th­ree­fold.

2.5 The user ma­nu­al can ta­ke the form of on­line help, or a text file that is in­cluded in de­li­very.

2.6 Palette is al­so en­tit­led to sub­con­tract their ser­vices.

2.7 Palette can make a test ver­si­on of the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware available to the cus­to­mer. Such a tri­al is to be ex­press­ly agreed bet­ween Palette and the cus­to­mer. The fee for pro­vi­si­on of a test ver­si­on of the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware shall be in­di­ca­ted in the quo­te.

3. In­tellec­tu­al pro­per­ty

3.1 The con­trac­tu­al soft­ware is co­py­righ­ted. Any man­ner whatsoe­ver of re-en­gi­nee­ring or editing the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware as well as re­pro­duc­tion of the re­sults achie­ved is pro­hi­bi­ted, ex­cept if the­se ac­tions are ne­ces­sa­ry for the pre­ser­va­ti­on of the in­ten­ded use and the rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of er­rors.

3.2 The cus­to­mer is not aut­ho­ri­sed to back-trans­la­te the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware in­to the source code or to con­vert it in­to other pro­gramming lan­guages or da­ta for­mats or to re­pro­du­ce it. In­so­far as Palette has per­mit­ted con­ver­si­on of the da­ta in­to other da­ta for­mats, e.g. by pro­vi­ding in­ter­faces, Palette shall re­tain ex­clu­si­ve en­tit­le­ment to the con­ver­ted da­ta.

3.3 Palette re­ser­ves un­li­mi­t­ed rights to all do­cu­men­ta­ti­on in­clu­ding in­for­ma­ti­on on in­ter­faces. This do­cu­men­ta­ti­on may on­ly be ma­de ac­ces­si­ble to third par­ties wi­th the con­sent of Palette and must be gi­ven back to Palette prompt­ly when re­ques­ted if the or­der is not pla­ced.

3.4 In­so­far as Palette has de­ve­lo­ped or crea­ted ca­ta­lo­gues in ful­film­ent of a cus­to­mer purcha­se or­der, Palette shall be en­tit­led to use the­se pro­ducts in who­le or in part for their own pur­po­ses, in­as­much as not­hing to the con­tra­ry has be­en ex­press­ly agreed.

3.5 The cus­to­mer may crea­te one back­up co­py wi­th no ex­press agree­ment.

3.6 The cus­to­mer is on­ly per­mit­ted to make use of the rights to da­ta of third par­ties, e.g. of ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers of the ob­jects used in the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware or of ca­ta­lo­gues of such ob­jects ac­ces­si­ble via the in­ter­net, in­as­much as the third par­ty en­tit­les them to do so. As a mat­ter of cour­se, Palette grants a simp­le, non-trans­fera­ble right of use for the­se da­ta in or­der to vi­sua­li­se de­signs crea­ted using the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware, pro­vi­ded that no spe­cial third-par­ty terms of use ap­p­ly. Palette is en­tit­led to rest­rict the right of use at any time, in par­ti­cu­lar if the third par­ty does not con­sent to the use.

4. Pri­ces, terms of pay­ment, de­lay in pay­ment, can­cel­la­ti­on

 Pri­ces are ex works plus the re­spec­tively ap­pli­ca­ble sta­tu­to­ry tur­no­ver tax.

4.2 As a ru­le, in­voices are is­sued as on­line in­voices. Palette is en­tit­led to char­ge a fee for in­voices is­sued on pa­per.

4.3 In­voices shall be paid wi­th no de­duc­tions at the la­test wi­thin four weeks of is­sue.

4.4 If cos­ts and in­te­rest have ari­sen, Palette is en­tit­led to ap­p­ly pay­ment first­ly to co­ver the cos­ts, then to co­ver the in­te­rest, and last­ly to co­ver the main ser­vice.

4.5 A pay­ment shall be de­e­med to have be­en ma­de on­ly af­ter Palette has the amount at their dis­po­sal.

4.6 If the cus­to­mer be­co­mes in ar­re­ars, Palette is en­tit­led to de­mand an­nu­al in­te­rest as of the re­le­vant point in time in the amount of 10 per­cen­ta­ge points abo­ve the ba­se in­te­rest ra­te, but at least 10% as a flat-ra­te com­pen­sa­ti­on for da­ma­ges. The cus­to­mer is en­tit­led to fur­nish pro­of of lower cos­ts, and Palette of hig­her da­ma­ges.

4.7 In­so­far as any pay­ment due is in ar­re­ars by mo­re than two months, Palette shall be en­tit­led to sus­pend the pro­vi­si­on of con­trac­tual­ly agreed ser­vices un­til such pay­ment is ef­fec­ted.

4.8 If pay­ment in in­st­al­ments is agreed wi­th the cus­to­mer and the cus­to­mer is in de­fault of pay­ment for mo­re than th­ree months, the re­mai­ning ba­lan­ce will be­co­me due for pay­ment in full.

4.9 Palette re­ta­ins the title to the de­li­ver­ed con­trac­tu­al soft­ware, the da­ta car­ri­ers, the do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and the de­li­ver­ed hard­ware un­til pay­ment is ma­de in full.

4.10 If the cus­to­mer wi­th­draws wi­t­hout ju­s­ti­fi­ca­ti­on from an or­der that has be­en pla­ced, Palette can de­mand 10% of the sa­les pri­ce for the cos­ts in­cur­red due to pro­ces­sing the or­der and for lost pro­fits ir­re­spec­ti­ve of the pos­si­bi­li­ty of lodging a cla­im for ac­tu­al da­ma­ges that are hig­her. The cus­to­mer re­ta­ins the right to fur­nish pro­of of lower da­ma­ges.

4.11 Rights of re­turn must be agreed in wri­ting. If a right of re­turn has be­en agreed wi­th a cus­to­mer, this can be exer­cis­ed on­ly if par­ti­cu­lar per­for­man­ces gua­ran­teed by Palette in wri­ting are not ful­fil­led, and the uti­li­ty va­lue of the soft­ware is ther­eby nul­li­fied. In this ca­se, ser­vices al­re­a­dy pro­vi­ded by Palette, such as in­s­truc­tion, trai­ning and in­stal­la­ti­on, will be char­ged pro­por­tio­nal­ly.

5. In­dexa­ti­on clau­se

5.1 In the ca­se of re­cur­ring pay­ment re­sul­ting from con­tracts in ac­cordance wi­th Nos. 6-8, Palette is en­tit­led af­ter ex­piry of the mi­ni­mum term to ad­just the pri­ces on­ce a year on the ba­sis of the con­su­mer pri­ce in­dex.

5.2 When the pri­ces are ad­jus­ted, the cus­to­mer is en­tit­led to ter­mi­na­te the con­tract if the pri­ce in­crease is grea­ter than 5%.

6. Ser­vice con­tract (up­date con­tract)

6.1 Du­ring the term of the fee-ba­sed ser­vice con­tract, Palette shall de­li­ver to the cus­to­mer all cur­rent up­dates that have not yet be­en purcha­sed (pro­grams and da­ta), wher­eby mer­chan­di­se, cus­tom pro­ducts and in­stal­la­ti­on ser­vices are not in­cluded in the scope of de­li­very. 

6.2 Up­dates shall com­pri­se, at the dis­cre­ti­on of Palette, eit­her a new ver­si­on of the pro­gram that of­fers an im­pro­ved scope of ser­vices, or da­ta ex­ten­si­on and/or up­dating. Up­dates shall be pro­vi­ded so­le­ly for the cur­rent pre-up­date ver­si­on of pro­ducts ma­nu­fac­tu­red by Palette. Palette shall de­ter­mi­ne the con­tent of up­dates at its so­le dis­cre­ti­on, wher­eby any cus­to­mer right to as­sert any cla­im in re­spect of such con­tent shall be ex­cluded. 

6.3 The ser­vice con­tract is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly re­ne­wed for a fur­ther 12 months if it is not ter­mi­na­ted in wri­ting wi­th 3 months no­ti­ce.

6.4 If the ser­vice con­tract is ex­ten­ded, for ex­am­p­le by purcha­se of ad­di­tio­nal pro­ducts, an ad­di­tio­nal mi­ni­mum term of 12 months from the date of ex­ten­si­on shall ap­p­ly to the who­le cont­act. If a lon­ger mi­ni­mum term had al­re­a­dy be­en agreed, this shall re­main un­af­fec­ted.

6.5 Palette can de­li­ver up­dates in the form of on­line down­loads. If the cus­to­mer de­mands a de­li­very on a da­ta sto­rage me­di­um, Palette is en­tit­led to in­voice the as­so­cia­ted cos­ts.

6.6 The tech­ni­cal sup­port of­fe­red by Palette as part of the ser­vice con­tract is rest­ric­ted to sup­port for res­to­ring the func­tion­a­li­ty of the soft­ware as de­scri­bed in the user ma­nu­al.

7. Palette Cloud and on­line sto­rage space

7.1 For a fee, Palette can of­fer the cus­to­mer ac­cess to an on­line ser­vice (Palette Cloud) pro­vi­ded by Palette. Cer­tain soft­ware ser­vices, de­scri­bed in mo­re de­tail in the user ma­nu­al, can on­ly be used if the cus­to­mer has ac­cess to Palette Cloud. If Palette pro­ces­ses per­so­nal da­ta of third par­ties on be­half of the cus­to­mer, the Palette con­tract da­ta pro­ces­sing terms and con­di­ti­ons ap­p­ly.

7.2 Pay­ment for Palette Cloud en­tit­les the cus­to­mer to ac­cess Palette Cloud for a cer­tain pe­ri­od of time.

7.3 The con­tract for Palette Cloud is re­ne­wed for a fur­ther 12 months if it is not ter­mi­na­ted in wri­ting wi­th 3 months no­ti­ce.

7.4 The cus­to­mer re­qui­res a cur­rent ver­si­on of the soft­ware used in or­der to ac­cess Palette Cloud.

7.5 Palette’s ob­li­ga­ti­on to se­cu­re­ly store any con­tent sa­ved by the cus­to­mer on Palette Cloud cea­ses to ap­p­ly six months af­ter the ter­mi­na­ti­on of the con­tract and the no­ti­fi­ca­ti­on from Palette that the cus­to­mer no lon­ger has ac­cess to Palette Cloud. 

8. Lea­sing

8.1 Palette grants the cus­to­mer the right to use the soft­ware in ac­cordance wi­th No. 2.3. on­ly for the du­ra­ti­on of the lea­se.

8.2 Du­ring the lea­se, soft­ware up­dates in ac­cordance wi­th No. 6 and the use of Palette Cloud in ac­cordance wi­th No. 7 are in­cluded.

8.3 The con­tract is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly re­ne­wed for a fur­ther 12 months if it is not ter­mi­na­ted in wri­ting wi­th 3 months no­ti­ce.

9. Non­dis­clo­sure, in­tellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights

9.1 Dis­clo­sure to any third par­ty of pass­words and ac­cess da­ta pro­vi­ded by Palette for co­py pro­tec­tion pur­po­ses or in or­der to ac­cess cloud ser­vices is pro­hi­bi­ted un­less ex­press­ly aut­ho­ri­zed in wri­ting by Palette.

9.2 The cus­to­mer shall di­li­gent­ly pro­tect the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware in­clu­ding all do­cu­men­ta­ti­on pro­vi­ded as well as the back­up co­py from any un­aut­ho­ri­sed dis­clo­sure to a third par­ty. This in­cludes dis­clo­sure to un­aut­ho­ri­sed em­ployees as well as en­su­ring third par­ties ad­he­re to this re­qui­re­ment.

9.3 The cus­to­mer shall in­form Palette wi­t­hout de­lay of any in­f­rin­ge­ment of Palette’s pro­tec­tion rights of which they have know­ledge or if claims are lodged against them by a third par­ty be­cau­se of pro­tec­ti­ve right in­f­rin­ge­ments ari­sing from the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware. The cus­to­mer grants Palette the op­por­tu­ni­ty of pro­vi­ding sup­port to the cus­to­mer in the event of any pos­si­ble le­gal ac­tion, and the cus­to­mer shall sup­port Palette in the event of any cla­im lodged by a third par­ty.

9.4 The cus­to­mer in­dem­ni­fies Palette on first de­mand for da­ma­ges ari­sing from in­f­rin­ge­ment of the afo­re­men­tio­ned ob­li­ga­ti­ons.

10. Co-ope­ra­ti­on of the cus­to­mer

10.1 The cus­to­mer shall pro­cu­re the soft­ware (in­clu­ding ope­ra­ting sys­tem) and hard­ware re­qui­red for use of the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware at their own ex­pen­se, in­stall it in a ti­me­ly fa­shion and main­tain it in ac­cordance wi­th cur­rent stan­dards. This shall ta­ke place on­ly in the sui­ta­ble, ap­pro­ved and in­ten­ded ver­si­on.

10.2 In using the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware, the cus­to­mer shall so­le­ly use sui­ta­ble staff mem­bers.

10.3 In­so­far as the soft­ware is equip­ped wi­th a sin­gle-com­pu­ter li­cence or an on­line li­cence, the cus­to­mer shall store the ac­cess da­ta gi­ven to them careful­ly at all times and shall use no pro­gram for cir­cum­ven­ti­on. Lost sin­gle-com­pu­ter li­cen­ces shall on­ly be re­pla­ced th­rough the purcha­se of the pro­tec­ted soft­ware. The cus­to­mer shall pro­vi­de a per­ma­nent and ade­qua­te in­ter­net con­nec­tion in or­der for the soft­ware to ac­cess the Palette li­cence ser­vers.

10.4 In­so­far as the soft­ware is equip­ped wi­th a don­gle (soft­ware pro­tec­tion), the cus­to­mer shall on­ly use this don­gle in com­bi­na­ti­on wi­th the soft­ware, shall store it careful­ly at all times and shall use no pro­gram for cir­cum­ven­ti­on. Lost don­gles shall on­ly be re­pla­ced th­rough the purcha­se of the pro­tec­ted soft­ware. The cus­to­mer shall en­su­re that the ope­ra­ting sys­tem in the cus­to­mer’s com­pu­ter is ab­le to re­co­g­ni­se the don­gle/co­py pro­tec­tion.


11. Lia­bi­li­ty for de­fects, sub­se­quent per­for­mance

11.1 The con­trac­tu­al soft­ware is de­fec­ti­ve when it fails to func­tion in the man­ner de­scri­bed in the user ma­nu­al or in the con­tract to such an ext­ent that the sui­ta­bi­li­ty of the con­tract soft­ware for nor­mal use as de­scri­bed in the user ma­nu­al is im­pai­red.

11.2 The con­trac­tu­al soft­ware ope­ra­tes pro­per­ly in the hard­ware and soft­ware en­vi­ron­ment spe­ci­fied by Palette, and in par­ti­cu­lar on the spe­ci­fied ope­ra­ting sys­tem. As a mat­ter of cour­se, the ope­ra­ting sys­tem for the Win­dows pro­grams de­li­ver­ed by Palette is the ope­ra­ting sys­tem for per­so­nal com­pu­ters re­leased by Mi­cro­soft one year be­fo­re the de­li­very date. Palette shall not be lia­ble for sub­se­quent sys­tem up­dates.

11.3 A test ver­si­on is on­ly sui­ta­ble for test pur­po­ses and not for pro­duc­ti­ve use by cus­to­mers, and the­r­e­fo­re does not re­pre­sent de­fec­ti­ve con­trac­tu­al soft­ware. Ver­si­ons of the soft­ware re­fer­red to as Be­ta or RC ver­si­ons shall al­ways be de­e­med to be test ver­si­ons.

11.4 The avai­la­bi­li­ty le­vel of the soft­ware pro­vi­ded by Palette on their ser­vers for ac­cess by the cus­to­mer (e.g. on­line pro­grams, on­line da­ta, on­line sto­rage space) must be at least 99%. The ext­ent of non-avai­la­bi­li­ty due to fail­ure is com­pu­ted by the over­all time pe­ri­od in which the sys­tem was not available due to fail­ures in th­ree months mi­nus the main­ten­an­ce win­dow.

11.5 Palette does not gua­ran­tee the com­ple­ten­ess, cur­ren­cy or other pro­per­ties of da­ta ca­ta­lo­gues.

11.6 The cus­to­mer must lodge a com­plaint in wri­ting for ob­vious de­fects which are ap­pa­rent to an avera­ge cus­to­mer wi­th no spe­cial ef­fort wi­thin 10 busi­ness days af­ter de­li­very. For non-ob­vious de­fects, a com­plaint must be ma­de in wri­ting wi­thin 10 busi­ness days af­ter dis­co­very, other­wi­se no claims ari­sing from the­se de­fects can be ma­de. The de­fects (in­clu­ding er­ror mes­sa­ges which oc­cur) must be re­por­ted in as much de­tail as pos­si­ble (e.g. using er­ror logs). The cus­to­mer shall as­sist Palette in the trou­ble­shoo­ting and re­me­dy of de­fects.

11.7 All de­fi­ci­ent de­li­very items or ser­vices shall be re­pai­red, re­pla­ced th­rough a new de­li­very or per­for­med again at the dis­cre­ti­on of Palette and free of char­ge. Palette shall be en­tit­led to ef­fect such cor­rec­tions by pro­vi­ding the cus­to­mer wi­th a mo­di­fied ver­si­on of the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware. Palette is al­so en­tit­led to by­pass an er­ror that may oc­cur if the er­ror its­elf can on­ly be cor­rec­ted wi­th dis­pro­por­tio­na­te ef­fort and/or it si­gni­fi­cant­ly de­gra­des the speed or re­spon­se time of the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware. 

11.8 If Palette is not lia­ble, the cus­to­mer shall reim­bur­se Palette for the time ex­pen­ded and cos­ts in­cur­red (in­clu­ding, in par­ti­cu­lar, tra­vel cos­ts) at the re­spec­ti­ve ap­pli­ca­ble ra­tes. 

11.9 If Palette does not suc­ceed in ma­king cor­rec­tions wi­thin a re­asonable time and the pro­blem re­curs wi­thin a fur­ther re­asonable time set by the cus­to­mer, the cus­to­mer shall be en­tit­led to a pri­ce re­duc­tion or to re­scind the or­der. 

11.10 Lia­bi­li­ty for de­fects on the part of Palette is ex­cluded if mo­di­fi­ca­ti­ons have be­en ma­de to the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware wi­t­hout the ap­pr­oval of Palette or the cus­to­mer uses the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware in any other en­vi­ron­ment than the hard­ware or soft­ware en­vi­ron­ment for which it is in­ten­ded. The cus­to­mer shall be en­tit­led to as­sert and pro­ve that the ch­an­ge ef­fec­ted by the cus­to­mer is un­re­la­ted to the de­fect re­por­ted by the cus­to­mer, and that such ch­an­ge does not sub­stan­ti­al­ly in­crease the dif­fi­cul­ty of ana­ly­sing and eli­mi­na­ting the er­ror. The fo­re­go­ing shall not con­sti­tu­te or be con­strued as any aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on on the part of Palette to ef­fect any such ch­an­ge in the soft­ware. 

11.11 In the event of a re­sc­in­ding, the cus­to­mer shall al­low a char­ge for their use of the con­trac­tu­al soft­ware. This char­ge shall be ba­sed on a cus­to­ma­ry usa­ge time of four ye­ars.

11.12 Claims wi­th re­spect to lia­bi­li­ty for de­fects be­co­me sta­tu­te-bar­red twel­ve months af­ter de­li­very wi­th the ex­cep­ti­on of claims ba­sed on pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty law, other forms of ma­nu­fac­tu­rer’s lia­bi­li­ty or in ca­ses of de­li­be­ra­te in­ten­ti­on, gross ne­gli­gence, the ab­sence of a gua­ran­teed con­di­ti­on or in­f­rin­ge­ment of si­gni­fi­cant con­trac­tu­al ob­li­ga­ti­ons as well as of in­ju­ry to life, limb or he­alth. A con­trac­tu­al ob­li­ga­ti­on is si­gni­fi­cant when its ful­film­ent is a pre­re­qui­si­te for the pro­per com­ple­ti­on of the con­tract and upon the com­pli­ance wi­th which the con­trac­tu­al part­ner may re­ly as a mat­ter of cour­se. 

11.13 In the event that the cus­to­mer de­mands that sub­se­quent per­for­mance ac­ti­vi­ties be con­duc­ted at a lo­ca­ti­on they spe­ci­fy, Palette can sa­tis­fy this de­mand, but, while the parts co­ver­ed by the lia­bi­li­ty for de­fects shall not be bil­led, the ad­di­tio­nal ex­pen­dit­u­re, in par­ti­cu­lar work time and tra­vel cos­ts, shall be reim­bur­sed at Palette’s stan­dard ra­tes.

11.14 The pe­ri­od of lia­bi­li­ty for de­fects for sub­se­quent per­for­mance is twel­ve months wi­th the ex­cep­ti­on of claims ba­sed on pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty law, other forms of ma­nu­fac­tu­rer’s lia­bi­li­ty or in ca­ses of de­li­be­ra­te in­ten­ti­on, gross ne­gli­gence, the ab­sence of a gua­ran­teed con­di­ti­on or in­f­rin­ge­ment of si­gni­fi­cant con­trac­tu­al ob­li­ga­ti­ons in ac­cordance wi­th the last sen­tence of No. 11.12 as well as of in­ju­ry to life, limb or he­alth. This pe­ri­od shall ex­tend at least un­til ex­pi­ra­ti­on of the ori­gi­nal pe­ri­od of lia­bi­li­ty for de­fects for the de­li­very item. It shall be pro­lon­ged for such parts as could not be ope­ra­ted ac­cor­ding to their pur­po­se be­cau­se of the in­ter­rup­ti­on by the du­ra­ti­on of the ope­ra­tio­nal in­ter­rup­ti­on which was cau­sed by the sub­se­quent per­for­mance.

11.15 Fur­ther claims re­gar­ding lia­bi­li­ty for de­fects on the part of the cus­to­mer against Palette and their vica­rious agents are ex­cluded; ho­we­ver, No. 12 (Other lia­bi­li­ty) shall re­main un­af­fec­ted.

12. Other lia­bi­li­ty

12.1 Claims for da­ma­ges on the part of the cus­to­mer for wha­te­ver le­gal ju­s­ti­fi­ca­ti­on are ex­cluded. This shall not ap­p­ly in­as­much as lia­bi­li­ty is man­da­ted by pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty law, other forms of ma­nu­fac­tu­rer’s lia­bi­li­ty or in ca­ses of de­li­be­ra­te in­ten­ti­on, gross ne­gli­gence, the ab­sence of a gua­ran­teed con­di­ti­on or in­f­rin­ge­ment of si­gni­fi­cant con­trac­tu­al ob­li­ga­ti­ons in ac­cordance wi­th the last sen­tence of No. 11.12 as well as of in­ju­ry to life, limb or he­alth. 

12.2 The da­ma­ges for the in­f­rin­ge­ment of si­gni­fi­cant con­trac­tu­al ob­li­ga­ti­ons are li­mi­t­ed for bo­th fo­re­seeable da­ma­ge ty­pi­cal for the con­tract, pro­vi­ded the­re is no de­li­be­ra­te in­ten­ti­on or gross ne­gli­gence, as well as well as per in­s­tance of da­ma­ge to € 1,000,000.00 for fi­nan­cial los­ses, to € 5,000,000.00 for ma­te­ri­al da­ma­ge and bo­di­ly in­ju­ry; Palette shall not be lia­ble for lost per­for­mance out­co­mes, lost pro­fits, lost cost sa­vings, in­di­rect da­ma­ge and con­se­quen­ti­al los­ses. The li­mi­ta­ti­ons shall not ap­p­ly in­as­much as the da­ma­ge is co­ver­ed by Palette’s busi­ness lia­bi­li­ty insu­rance. Palette shall main­tain the co­vera­ge exis­ting at the time the con­tract is con­cluded. 

12.3 The pre­vious pro­vi­si­ons are not as­so­cia­ted wi­th a shif­ting of the bur­den of pro­of to the di­s­ad­van­ta­ge of the cus­to­mer.

12.4 The use of on­line sto­rage space pro­vi­ded by Palette (Palette Cloud) shall not gi­ve ri­se to any lia­bi­li­ty on the part of Palette for con­tents uploa­ded by the cus­to­mer. In par­ti­cu­lar, Palette shall not be lia­ble for the loss of con­tents or da­ta. The cus­to­mer shall crea­te sui­ta­ble back­up co­pies. Palette as­su­mes no lia­bi­li­ty for for­eign con­tents, in par­ti­cu­lar for im­pro­per use and the uploa­ding of le­gal­ly for­bidden con­tents (in­for­ma­ti­on, items, other ser­vices) or links which are da­ma­ging to third par­ties or in­f­rin­ge upon na­tio­nal or in­ter­na­tio­nal co­py­rights and marks, or pa­tent rights, na­me rights or trade­mark rights, in­dus­tri­al pro­per­ty rights or per­so­nal rights of third par­ties. Palette does not war­rant any per­ma­nent mo­ni­to­ring of con­tents nor any full-time func­tion­a­li­ty of the Palette Cloud.

13. Fi­nal pro­vi­si­ons

13.1 The trans­fer by the cus­to­mer to a third par­ty of rights and ob­li­ga­ti­ons ari­sing from this con­tract re­qui­res the pri­or writ­ten agree­ment of Palette.

13.2 The cus­to­mer is not en­tit­led to exer­cise a right of de­tenti­on against Palette be­cau­se of an­o­ther en­tit­le­ment not ari­sing from this con­tract. The cus­to­mer may cla­im com­pen­sa­ti­on on­ly for such claims against Palette as are un­dis­pu­ted or le­gal­ly es­tab­lished.

13.3 Ch­an­ges and ad­di­ti­ons to this con­tract ta­ke ef­fect on­ly if laid down in a sup­ple­men­ta­ry con­tract si­gned by bo­th par­ties.

13.4 The place of ful­film­ent is the re­gis­tered of­fice of Palette.

13.5 The ex­clu­si­ve­ly com­pe­tent court for all dis­pu­tes ari­sing from this con­tract is that for the re­gis­tered ad­dress of Palette.

13.6 This con­tract is sub­ject to Ger­man law. The ap­pli­ca­bi­li­ty of the Vi­en­na Con­ven­ti­on on Con­tracts for the In­ter­na­tio­nal Sa­le of Goods of the UN is ex­cluded.

14. Se­vera­bi­li­ty clau­se

Should any in­di­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­on hereof be or be­co­me vo­id, il­le­gal or unen­forceable, the va­li­di­ty of the re­mai­ning pro­vi­si­ons hereof shall in no way be af­fec­ted. In such a ca­se, the Par­ties shall re­place any pro­vi­si­on of the Agree­ment that be­co­mes in­ef­fec­ti­ve wi­th a pro­vi­si­on who­se eco­no­mic aims are as clo­se as pos­si­ble to tho­se of the in­ef­fec­ti­ve pro­vi­si­on. Un­til such a re­pla­ce­ment pro­vi­si­on is ad­opted, a pro­vi­si­on of the Agree­ment who­se eco­no­mic aims are as clo­se as pos­si­ble to the in­ten­ti­ons of the in­ef­fec­ti­ve pro­vi­si­on shall ap­p­ly in lieu of the in­ef­fec­ti­ve pro­vi­si­on. The sa­me ap­pli­es in the event that a ru­ling is re­qui­red to co­ver a la­cu­na in the con­tract.

Down­load the cur­rent terms and con­di­ti­ons he­re.